
Vineyards are located on the green hills of Ripatransone, to a distance of 6 Km from the Adriatico sea and to a height of 160 metres on the sea level. The position influence in a characteristic way our products.

Vineyard & Farmland


15 hectares displaced around the cellar

Vine variety

White: Passerina, Pecorino, Garofanata, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay

Red: Sangiovese, Montepulciano, Pinot Nero, Alicante


Our vineyards are immersed, between mountains and hills, in a rich and variegated landscape, all of it a few Kilometres from the sea.

Olive tree

Two hectares of olive tree and wood and lawns for five hectares contribute to recreate a favorable environment for the healthy grapes growth and in the most natural way, thanks to the use of products and natural extracts.

Biological Agriculture

We respect the limits imposed from the European Union regarding the use of copper during the treatments in vineyards. We are able to remain under these limits, using alternative products as microorganisms and extracts from different nature, taking the copper residuals, on the final product, almost near the zero.

The climate

The Mediterranean climate, due to the presence of the Adriatico sea, create the best conditions for our grapes maturation.


For each wine variety and plot we have different processing techniques trying to respect the product in every way it arrives in the cellar trying not to modify their characteristics.